Civilization V Saturday!

This Saturday the 19th of Jan we’re going to have our first Team Colonslash Civilization Party Day!

Civilization is a turn based strategy game which can be a light version of Grand Strategy games like Victoria and Hearts of Iron. The latest release Civilization V has been quite popular amongst our members and a number of us have even indulged in some multiplayer antagonism. Unfortunately peacefully reaching for the stars, indulging in the arts or merely going on a casual rampage Civilization will eat up the hours like nothing else. Now of course we know that Kortz is just scared of my French empire and knows that he’ll never mount a successful invasion of my continent (and Enef’s I suppose). The games do take a ridiculous amount of time however. So we proposed to play a BIG game this Saturday.

If it’s successful we could make it a common theme should there be interest.

Therefore we invite you to the proposition of a days worth of glory in conquest, majesty in art and marvels in science! Will you create or destroy in your road to victory?

The intent to start is at 2-3 pm Saturday and make a full day of it. Discussion for rules, settings, Civilizations and sign-ups.





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