Team Colonslash are a small but growing organisation. That doesn’t mean we have nothing to offer, though. We love e-sports and are very keen to support and promote it by any means available to us.
Community background
Team Colonslash originate from a community based environment. We have only recently started to expand so as to become a professional and respected e-sports organisation, but we have no intention of terminating our support towards the community we have built. Currently our community is largely Team Fortress 2 focussed.
We are not looking to house more community teams at this point. When we are, we will announce it on the ETF2L forums.Professional e-sports
We are an honest organisation, above everything else, and we’re going to be honest right here: We aren’t currently profitable enough to be in a position where we can afford to send teams to offline (LAN) events (more on this below), but we are willing to invest in smaller (online) tournaments and to provide support in other ways.
We want to support teams that are on the same wavelength as us, and we want to be able to work together, so that we may grow together and conquer the world of e-sports together. You will not be just some team that use our name – you will be part of our organisation, and you will have a say in the future of our organisation’s growth.
Naturally, for you to be able to promote our brand, you need to be above a certain skill level. We can’t (and won’t) ask you to dominate everyone at DreamHack, but we’d want you to at least to be somewhere you will be noticed, or can make yourself noticable. As a general rule of thumb, ideally your team is hanging somewhere between a Mid and High skill level.
Why not higher? Because we love e-sports, and at this point in time we don’t feel confident that we can give the support a top level team deserves.
If you or your team would like to represent our name, there are a few things we hope you would be willing to do for us:
- Acknowledge and appreciate that we are a small, but growing, e-sports organisation;
- Accept that, while we want to support you as much as possible, we cannot afford to cover expenses for every single tournament out there;
- Actively promote our brand (for example on your twitch stream, youtube videos or interviews), even at any offline LAN events you may visit.
In return we promise that we will try to do everything we can to promote and support your team in your e-sports career.
If you’re interested, by all means do contact us!
Send an email to recruitment at team-colonslash dot eu and tell us something about your team. Don’t forget to show off some of the achievements you’ve earned! Let us know how you think you can promote our brand and how we can work together. Remember, if you contact us, please do so in English! We’re looking forward to hear from you!