Friday Night Party #2 !
Reservoir dog — After the controversial and highly successful boxing tournament sponsored by the infamous
Oxy, we had to take a small break and think about the consequences of the virtual violence we have witnessed.
Mikki being demoralized by
Spike‘s boxing agility, was never seen again in Team Colonslash Mumble, and
Jr. bastardly left us with a pocket koala. Last known information is that he is sunbathing somewhere in northern Chile. Koala was sold into slavery.
This Friday (1st of February) we opted for something more peaceful and socially understandable – we shall kill zombies and possibly each other in a video game called Left 4 Dead 2 (you know, the better one!).
As Enef suggested in his forum post, we are planning to start around 19.00 CET (18.00 GMT):
There’s no set starting time, basically we will start when everyone gets home from work on Friday evening, so turn up around 5/6PM GMT (6/7PM CET) and we’ll organise specifics there and then when people arrive. Feel free to pop in later and see if there are any slots, if you can’t be there at that time, but be warned we might be in the middle of games at any given time.
We do not condone alcoholic beverages but we will… ah who are we kidding? You are welcome to join our L4D2 night completely hammered. After L4D2, we might stack some lobbies which miraculously we didn’t lose for some time!
Don’t forget to give us your thoughts in our original forum topic created by Enef (who also made that good looking banner):
So guys and girls, load your guns and aimbots and join our Mumble for another Friday Night Party!
PS: I would also humbly point out that our server donations were a bit thin in the last two months. We all know that without Spike and
Lucy‘s finances this community would not exist, so let’s help them out. I am certain that every penny or cent will be highly appreciated. Who knows, maybe seeing that this community cares, a certain
someone will let a certain
other go to a certain LAN this year.
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