Happy New Year! (part 2)
Welcome to the second part of our small summary! Apologies for being a bit late, post-holiday depression is hitting our news-writers hard, and the only known cure for such feelings is an excessive amount of competitive Team Fortress 2. However, the second part is finally here and this time we tried to keep it a bit shorter.
Sheep was the animal of the month, as our own community manager Oxy gathered statistics from Team Colonslash membership. The end result is a great article showing that since April 2010, we have had a total of 21 teams in our community. In more then three years, more than 150 people were part of this community, a big number for a small community! If you still didn’t, you can read the original post here.
September also marked our first step towards becoming an electronic sports organization. After series of community meetings, Team Colonslash decided to have a massive change of graphic design (you can read more about it in our previous article). Our best seeded TF2 team, TC.Reditio changed it’s name into Team Colonslash and thus became our first official TF2 competitive team. That means Team Colonslash plans to fully sponsor our best 6v6 team in the upcoming tournaments and leagues. The path before us is still rocky, but we have confidence in our decision and so the guys from former Reditio. Our Highlander teams, TC.Crash and TC.Storm showed a lot of good results in the UGC league. Highlander competition in UGC is probably the fiercest in the whole TF2 community, and skill level in all groups is extremely diverse, we are definitely satisfied with how our members performed – 12th place for TC.Crash (Euro Platinum) and 20th place for TC.Storm (Euro Steel).
October, November and December
Final months of the year are prime time for competitive TF2, as regular ETF2L 6v6 season Season 15 started. New maps and unlocks were added by ETF2L admins and new challenges arose to meet Team Colonslash teams. In total, we fielded three teams with TC.Punkka making the best result – 2nd place in their group. Vintage and Team Colonslash #1 finished 5th and 6th in their respected groups. Solid results, but with room for improvement.
November brought us some more Highlander action, this time in ETF2L. We participated with three teams (highest number so far), Crash, Storm and Azis. We are proud to say that Storm absolutely wrecked their division, finishing first with only two lost maps (congrats guys!). Crash experienced massive roster changes, which took it’s toll on team morale in the beginning of the season. Some maps were lost, but good leadership and a dedicated team brought better results towards the end of the season, with Crash taking 5th place. Last and not least, our own community fun team Azis barely played any practice matches, but still took some points from their opponents. It is said Bulgarian pop music still echoes Azis Mumble channel – dare thee who enters there.
In the end, a small THANK YOU from TC staff to each and every one of you guys and girls that made this community what it was in 2013. A special shoutout to our community newcomers in 2013 (Storm, Vintage and Punkka), but also to the members who were a part of this community in 2013 (and before), but couldn’t resist the call of other games, communities and real life obligations – Will,
Turbo Tabs,
PlayerAvatar and others.
Stay polite TC, good luck and have fun in 2014.
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