Team Colonslash: Community Checkup
With our memories of ETF2L’s Highlander Season 8 fading in the distance, it is time to do a summary of all the latest happenings and goings on in the TC community.
TC Express: Storming Ahead in League Tables
Firstly, we pay our regrets to two of our most long-standing highlander teams; Team Colonslash: Crash and Team Colonslash: Storm. Both of these teams have been with us for a very long time and it is certainly a shame to see them being cast away into the grave that is ETF2L’s team RIP thread.
However, many of the players from both teams have managed to reform and make the juggernaut that is Team Colonslash: Express. Their UGC and ETF2L rosters include:
Season 15 UGC Roster
Season 8 ETF2L Roster
The team has certainly been very successful recently, managing to pick up 6th place in ETF2L S8 in the High division as well as taking UGC Gold’s 2nd place medal for their own in S15. They had to face many challenging teams such as HePPa and
Megakillerz eSports Fanclub eSports managing to take a healthy amount of points off both sides. This is certainly a testament to their hard work and effort they have put in throughout both seasons and we should be able to expect another fantastic result as they enter UGC Platinum this summer season.
Useless from TC.Express had a few comments about the team throughout last season as well as what he hopes the team will be able to do in the future. When they faced off against Biggus Dickus in week 1 one of the season, it was certainly a rude awakening to how hard this new High division can be.
He said “We had a rough first week against one of the bigger names in the High division. At the time they were the expected winners of High which demotivated us a bit. However after this official it also taught us a valuable lesson in that we should never give up no matter who we are up against, after all we pushed them further on Upward than some of the lower prem teams had done during their scrims against Biggus Dickus.”
When asked about playing against the former prem side HePPa, Useless replied “When we were up against them, the first round was very one sided in their favour, capturing all points in under 5 minutes. The second round was even more one sided to Express capturing all points in under 3 minutes. However the third round was went HePPa’s way, eventually ending up with us losing. We still managed to snatch 2 points out of a previous low prem team, which kept the motivation up quite a lot. It certainly boosted our confidence and allowed us to keep getting points throughout the rest of the season due to our high morale, despite not winning the game.”
Useless thought that the coming season will be very promising for TC.Express. “We ended our season with 27 points along getting a good amount of points from
Strong Opinions and
Megakillerz eSports Fanclub eSports and just missed the play-offs. For us it was a great first season that went way above our hopes and dreams. Going into UGC season 16 we are expecting to do fairly well, aiming for a mid placement in Platinum. There are some big names in UGC Platinum this season so this should provide us with great experience going into ETF2L season 9 High where we can hopefully break into playoffs.”
An Ambition For Greatness
We’ve also managed to pick up another Highlander team in the form of Team Colonslash: Ambition (formerly Infected Ambition and Absolutely Liquored). This team was birthed from the Highlander Open back last year and has been climbing divisions ever since. They managed to find themselves in 3rd place in UGC Gold this season, losing to
TC.Express in the lower bracket finals of the playoffs. The game was quite an occasion, seeing a TC derby with a lot at stake, the game was casted by Aside from that, Ambition have managed to get a respectable mid-table finish at the end of the season in the High division of ETF2L despite some roster shakeups because of their heavy Sigma taking an ill-placed holiday midway through the season as well as other players going in and out of the team.
Their roster at the moment consists of:
syn – Pyro
flow – Sniper
Setsul – Soldier
Selek – Spy
Sigma – Heavy
Fenrir – Engineer
Piplup – Medic
Coolbeans – Scout
We managed to get in contact with their deputy Piplup and ask him a few questions about what he thought of the past ETF2L and UGC season as well as what he what he predicts for the future of the team.
“Due to the unstable roster I think we underperformed. With the roster we had at the beginning of the season we certainly could of won UGC, by the end of it the roster looked completely different than what it had at the beginning. I’m pretty happy with the fact that we managed to grab third place under the circumstances and I give credit to all the players who were with us throughout the season. Next season in UGC we only have a mix roster so we’ll be taking a step back and just having fun, so we won’t necessarily be competing to our usual standard.
In ETF2L we encountered the same roster issues. We managed to get off to a fine start but when we encountered the harder teams we didn’t manage to step up to the plate and didn’t have the right mindset when going into officials. Since exams are over we should be able to do much better in both UGC S17 and ETF2L S9 and hopefully manage to take wins against teams that we weren’t able to do this season. It’s a long time until Season 9 so it will give us plenty of time to search for new players.”
Team Colonslash: Looking For More!
However, these two teams aren’t quite enough for the community and we are looking for more teams to be part of Team Colonslash! If you’re at all interested being part of the community then you can proceed here where you can find all the relevant details. If you’d like to join in with the rest of our community then you can take part in this Wednesday’s Wheel of Misfortune event in which many of us should be participating.
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