Introducing TC.Leftovers + Metal winners

“TurboTabs! Surely you must have something better to do with your time then these news posts that probably only 3 people from the entirety of the internet read…and only one of them enjoys them”


Well jokes on you news post strawman I constructed for entertainment purposes. I don’t have anything better to do.. so in realising this I’ve made a new TC tf2 team to make it look like I have a reason to stay in the colonslash mumble.. so on that bombshell I introduce you..

Yarzz I know you’ve seen this before so this segways into my next point!

I asked the thriving community of TC (7 people) to pitch me new names for this team I have created. Where each submission was carefully studied and measured by the team itself and to ultimately decide a winner of the grand prize of pixels on a screen (Tf2 metal)

The polls are in! You guys are horrible at this. We all had such a awkward time decide on which was least worst that we all couldnt agree so fuck it. Leftovers it shall stay.

But to make this not a total lost; the results stand like this.

Fallen – 1 Refined (because not original content creator)
Izzak – 2 Reclaimed
Drackk – 1 Reclaimed

Bonus Participant
Henghast – 2 scrap
Reservoir – 2 scrap
Will – 2 scrap

Not funny award
Spike – No Scrap

“you get nothing! Good day sir!”
My team



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