We are glad to hear from you. Please click on the appropriate category below to find our contact details:
We have a number of different options for advertising on our website. Please refer to our advertising page for an overview.
As a small but growing organisation, our ambitions currently exceed our income. If you’d like to help us make our dream come true, we’d be happy to discuss terms with you to see if we can come to a mutually beneficial arrangement. Please contact us at sponsorship at team-colonslash dot eu.
If you are interested in representing our brand in your game, have a look at our recruitment page.
Do you want to feature us on your blog or publication? If so we’d love to hear from you at press at team-colonslash dot eu.
Do you have something you can bring to TC? We are always on the lookout for talented individuals to join our dedicated team of voluntary staff. Drop us a note at jobs at team-colonslash dot eu.
Came across one of these or found something else that needs fixing? Let us know at website at team-colonslash dot eu.
Do you have a problem or complaint? We’re sorry to hear that. Please contact us at complaints at team-colonslash dot eu and we’ll do what we can.
Anything else? info at team-colonslash dot eu.