Donations November 2012
Lucy — Spike has asked me to present the donations info a little differently, with a running balance of costs and revenues from when we added the donations section to the website (1st July).
Donations October 2012
Lucy — Another fantastic month!
Donations September 2012
Lucy — What an amazing month – we cannot express enough our gratitude at the generosity of the donations in September. Drackk, Jr, Marik and those who have remained anonymous – thank you so much for your support of the TC community.
Donations August 2012
Lucy — Hello everyone!
I hope you all had fun at the LAN, it certainly looked like you were having fun, but you must have had sore heads in the mornings…
Thank you all once again for donations :)
Donations July 2012
Lucy — Firstly, thank you very much to everyone who donated, we really appreciate it, and are astounded by the generosity shown.
Lucy — Hello Everyone, Most of you don’t know me as I’m (a bit) Mumble shy, but I am the Team Colonslash Finance Manager. As a qualified accountant, with seven year’s experience working in a UK accountancy practice, I can just about handle this vast and complicated role, in between my other TC duties as Spike’s cook, cleaner, organiser – my alternative [...]