Donations June 2014
Lucy — Hello everyone, long time no see…
Here are the donations for June 2014:
Donations Summary 2013
Lucy — Hello Everyone!
The final donations post of the year, not only looks at what happened in December, but the year as a whole. It’s been another great year for TC, and I’m really proud to see how it has developed from the very beginning. It has also been a brilliant year for donations, thanks to you all we have raised €286.48 [...]
Donations November 2013
Lucy — Thanks to this month’s donors!
Donations October 2013
Lucy — On time for once!
Donations September 2013
Lucy — Late again, I’m a bad person.
Donations August 2013
Lucy — Sorry this is late, Spike has been keeping me busy cooking and cleaning and coke fetching for him, it’s exhausting work and I’m tired and worn out and broken :(
Down to business – this month’s financial results are:
Donations July 2013
Lucy — Hello Boys and Girls, are you enjoying the summer weather? Bit warm for gaming, huh?!
Time for a little beg. We are currently paying the costs of two servers, whilst we switch to a new one, which I am assured is harder, better, faster, stronger. So if you have any spare Euros, Pounds, Dollars, Shekel or Renminbi* please make us [...]