Community News
Donations October 2012
Lucy — Another fantastic month!
Volunteers needed for project!
Spike Himself — Edit — We’ve got a little group together, so not looking for any more! Thanks to Combo, Oxy, Reservoir, Valeria and Drackk for volunteering!
More news on this soon!
You might remember that not too long ago (right?), in our staff meeting, we discussed setting up a new TC mentor project. At the time it was decided that I was to spend [...]
Donations September 2012
Lucy — What an amazing month – we cannot express enough our gratitude at the generosity of the donations in September. Drackk, Jr, Marik and those who have remained anonymous – thank you so much for your support of the TC community.
TC BBall Cup!
Fallen — It’s finally here, the long awaited and eagerly anticipated tournament that will challenge even the most hardened battle worthy soldier. For anyone still not familiar with the concept of bball I’ll try explain as best as I can. It’s a gamemode where 2 teams of 2 soldiers are stuck against each other in an arena much like a basket ball [...]
Worms Cup!
Spike Himself —
Click to zoom!
Staff meeting 2012-09-19
Spike Himself — Here’s a brief(!) summary of last night’s staff meeting. Due to some bad experiences in the past, I would like to point out that nothing discussed in these meetings is particularly secret. Also, the staff has no intentions to interfere with team matters – that is solely up to their respective team leaders.
Friday Night Party
Oxy —
On 28th September we shall be hosting our first Friday Night Party. Unlike some of the previous events held by ourselves, I have decided to make this one simply a “Turn Up and Play” event!
Be sure to check it out with the event starting at 21:00 CET in the Team Colonslash mumble.
21:00 CET till 22:00 CET – TF2 Heavy Boxing [...]