
The Past Month

Oxy — Time for a round-up of all the TC goings-on for the last month. I’ll try and keep it short (lol just kidding).

Donations March 2013

Lucy — So, did anyone fall for any spectacular April Fools’ Day tricks? Spike and I slept into the afternoon due to a late night travelling home from the UK, so we were safe at least from the pranksters.


Henghast — I arrived at Telford on Thursday with Nymthae (who politely said hello with a jab in the back with her umbrella…). Unfortunately the event was behind schedule and there was no internet up until 6pm. This meant that we had time to kill and it was straight to the bar where Turbo was already busy making contacts and 9m were [...]

Staff meeting 2013-03-18

Spike Himself — A short staff meeting at last! Academy The academy team is full (ish, see below) at last! Hereby introducing: Whitepeach (demoman) MrMaelstrom (medic) Mttokki (pocket soldier) Ducky (roaming soldier) Getting There (scout) Verdancy (scout) Motion (backup) Full ish, because just after getting a full team together, we were informed that both scouts are going to be on holidays for 2~3 weeks. We have as such decided that both of them [...]

Team Colonslash: Crash – UGC Week 9 Summary

Oxy — It’s finally official! Team Colonslash: Crash have made the UGC playoffs comfortably after securing a 4-0 win over week 9 opponents Multiple Orgasms.  The game was not as simple as the scoreline sounds; the first half finished 0-0 but once we got the first round they sadly seemed to fall apart and give up. This leaves us in second place! Considering over 60 teams [...]

Team Colonslash: Crash – UGC Week 8 Summary

Oxy — After bouncing back last week against [KAOS™ United] we were feeling more confident going into our game against top 10 side Anti Tab. With a slightly better game record in UGC this season (our 5-1 record compared to their 4-2) it seemed like the odds were in our favour if we could get enough practice in on this new map koth_arctic_b3. We had a rocky [...]