Team Fortress 2 News
Team Colonslash: Community Checkup
Coolbeans — With our memories of ETF2L’s Highlander Season 8 fading in the distance, it is time to do a summary of all the latest happenings and goings on in the TC community.
Wheel Of Misfortune Night
Oxy — Wow, unlucky.
What is the wheel of misfortune?
Simply this; a wheel spins on a stream and decides each players class in turn. Whatever it lands on, you play! No whining, no swapping but plenty of laughs at the medic’s expense.
Spots are open initally to TC members only but will then be opened up to friends of TC to fill the gaps.
Maximum [...]
Next Up with Scissors
reservoir_cat — Everyone told me Highlander team leaders tend to be complete nutcases most of the time, but nobody warned me about this guy. His only term was to meet with me in a local botanical garden, and I thought “why not”, the guy probably likes nature. I kinda expected a soulless ginger with a Gameboy in his hands, but boy was [...]
TC BBall Cup Results
Tyrone — It seemed like a standard saturday, but nay, it was the day of the TC BBall Cup. 8 daring teams stood and fought to have the honour of being called “TC BBall Champions”! The teams gathered slowly into mumble and the ground rules were set, followed by some pre-game shit-talking, because, let’s be fair, no competition would have its place [...]
Next Up with Emilio Estevez
reservoir_cat — Summer is usually a quiet time for European TF2. Players and teams always revise their rosters and their motivations to play. Some drop out, but most say “one more season” and embrace themselves into the thrice blessed hands of Permzilla. Although there are some interesting teams in lower divisions, in the next several weeks we will try and cover the [...]
In the month of September…
Oxy — Time for a general update on the happenings of the past month and what the near future holds.
Clash of the Titans; i52 intro.
reservoir_cat — Insomnia LAN is and always will be the biggest tournament Team Fortress 2 has ever had. Once per year, communities world wide chip in and send their teams to England for a showdown and rights to brag with the TF2 champion title. Epsilon eSports, Awsomniacs, Froyotech, Classic Mixup, Team Immunity and an army of smaller (but threatening) teams are all [...]