Community News
New Server Policy!
TurboTabs — TC server usage policy as of June 28, 2012 :>
We no longer have 5 million servers; only 4 remain – that’s for 3 teams plus a spare one.
Our servers are not for lending out (anymore). They are to be used by TC members only.
Doing a mix on our servers is fine of course, so long as you possess the rcon password.
Only team [...]
Lucy — Hello Everyone, Most of you don’t know me as I’m (a bit) Mumble shy, but I am the Team Colonslash Finance Manager. As a qualified accountant, with seven year’s experience working in a UK accountancy practice, I can just about handle this vast and complicated role, in between my other TC duties as Spike’s cook, cleaner, organiser – my alternative [...]
Drackk — Drackk — We now have a donation button!
As said in Lucy’s forum post; [Here] we now have a donation button available for everyone to use.
The use of the donations will go towards the TF2 Server Box and the Website Hosting service. You are not required to donate, but if you do, it will be greatly appreciated by all!
If you do [...]
Sonic 2 – Guess The Deaths Competition
Oxy —
Can you guess the number of deaths in Oxy’s play through of the all time classic Sonic The Hedgehog 2? If so you could be in with a chance of winning a copy of Worms: Reloaded, thanks to TEAM17.
Click here for more details and to register your guess.
Bball Cup #1
Oxy —
Over the past year Team Colonslash has been hosting many worms cups as an alternate way to enjoy our time besides from TF2. However, it appears there is now the demand to host TF2 related cups as well! Therefore I am pleased to announce the TC Bball Cup #1.
Format: 2v2, First to 25
Restrictions: Soldier only
Unlocks: Vanilla
Entry: TC & Regular mumble [...]
Beginning Of Season Update
Spike Himself — It’s that time again; the main ETF2L season has arrived!
Before I take you through what divisions our teams are going to be entering in this competition, below is a list of who has joined and left the community since my last report. We of course thank those who have left the community for their efforts during their time with us.
End Of Season Update
Oxy — As you probably already know Team Colonslash: Upgrade have decided to fold. I think everyone will admit they enjoyed their company a lot and we will be sad to see the players leave the community. I personally hope that most of the players who still wish to be active will find a place in another team with us. Permzilla has [...]