Community News
New avatars
Spike Himself — Spike Himself — As we all know by now, TC is currently in a rebranding process. The new website will go live soon, and with that our logo will change, our style will change and also our avatars will change.
Here they are (the samples, that is)
Our current/old avatar style was based around [...]
Breaking news
reservoir_cat — We now have an undeniable proof that Marik was, is and will always be – French.
This picture is for real, and whoever tries to deny it, will be taken to court.
TC Fight Night #3 – Wrapup
Oxy —
Thanks to all those who participated last night. We had a huge 28 players for the cup which is absolutely fantastic for a one-night event. As you can see from above the placements were as follows:
1st: Pipsqueak – One Round Wonders
2nd: Atzebumm – Equipe
3rd: Useless – Team Colonslash: Storm
A massive congratulations to them all! Keep an eye out for more upcoming [...]
How to run a TC Event
Oxy — Howdy! In this short guide I thought I’d share how TC Events should be run. Anyone in TC can run an event so if you’ve got some spare time at some point why not put it to good use for the community!
Team Colonslash: Fight Night #3
Oxy — Thanks to all those who turned up for the Wheel Of Misfortune fun night yesterday; I’m sure we can all agree that a lot of fun was had (and a lot of ubers dropped!).
Our next event will be the return of an old favourite in TC; the Fight Night!
Much like the previous versions of the Fight Night this shall be [...]
Wheel Of Misfortune Fun Night
Oxy — It’s been a while since we had a fun night of some kind and I felt it would be nice to do something our new highlander team Team Colonslash: Storm could join in with.
Starting at 21 CEST for 2 (maybe 3 depending) maps of random fun. Classes and teams will be decided using our very own random colourwheel (streamed live for [...]
New teams and other line-up changes!
Spike Himself — We’ve been seeing quite a few new faces on mumble lately (or, perhaps, hearing new voices!), so I figured I might as well introduce them!
Hereby wishing a very warm welcome to:
TC.Vintage (6v6)
swellfoop (captain)
Dagun (yes, the Dagun!)
TC.Storm (Highlander)
Useless (captain)
Banana Stealer
Black Booty
Speedy Cloud
TC.Reditio are sorting their line-up out, and quite impressively so. We also welcome: T0m (yes, the T0m!) as Reditio’s new [...]